Hello World!

Why should you keep browsing?

Let me describe more about why I started this page below

This is my first post! Welcome to my site. As I shared a bit in my “about me” tab, I’ve started this page so I have a place to share my thoughts & work.

I am currently on my first real backpacking trip in South America. If you asked a more experienced backpacker, they may consider this “luxury backpacking,” as my boyfriend and I are staying in long term Airbnb’s. However, I did in fact only bring what I could fit in my Osprey camping bag and REI Flash 22-day pack. I no longer have my vast array of hair and skin products, I’ve been alternating between the same four outfits for over a month now, and I basically got used to not smelling that great. As I said, the comfort of a private bed and bathroom may be looked down upon by the more seasoned travelers, but this sure as hell feels like backpacking to me!

One electronic I did bring was my Kindle, which I actually got for Christmas right before leaving the US. I used to read a lot when I was younger, but the boring material we were forced to study in school sucked out any remaining love I had for the activity in high school. The only times I’ve read since then have been either on the beach during the summer or on vacation. The long plane ride required to get to South America seemed like a good time to get back into the habit, so I bought an easy read on the Kindle. The book was “The Housemaid,” a popular one on Good Reads, and for some reason it sparked something in me.

Not only had I not read a book in a while, but any material I had read recently was also some form of a cheesy self-help book or a non-fiction piece about energy or manifestation. This book was pure leisure, and it reignited an old passion I had for storytelling. I remembered how much I loved creative writing, even when we were forced to in elementary school. Through all the historical and geographic essays, I was required to write in the following years, this love of mine dissipated. While I read the story of “The Housemaid,” I thought of how I’d like to start writing my own stories again. However, instead of creating entirely imaginary situations – though maybe one day that’d be fun too – I realized I could write about my own life in the form of a blog.

“But what would anybody care to read about?” was my initial thought, but after further contemplation, I realized I read travel blogs online all the time! These blogs are some of the best ways to learn about other places before you’re physically there. The only thing that bothers me about some other blogs are the ads and links to “Top 10 Hotels in . . .” that drown out the information I searched for in the first place. So, I am here to provide stories and tips from around the world without all this nonsense. As opposed to mere bullet points and links, I’m using this site as a place to create mini stories from around the world.

Where does my art come into play?

Oh yeah, I make art too

Of course, nothing inspires an artist like traveling the world. I can tell you that I feel the least inspired when I’m sitting in my living room at home, staring out the same old window I’ve looked out of my whole life. Every new place has its own vibe, color palette, patterns, textures, all things that inspire me to create.

Like all my other hobbies, the focus of my art tends to change. I usually gravitate towards abstract prints, as the free nature of it allows me to escape my inner thoughts and merely create. As I discussed in my “About Me” page, the technicalities of interior design school reminded me that I actually don’t enjoy technicalities . . . a very problematic realization that came after spending thousands of dollars on education.

My true passions really lie in exploring the world and creating along the way. This site is my attempt to mesh the two, to show how traveling can not only help you grow as a person but also inspire creativity. Both traveling and art encourage inner exploration, each allowing myself to push my own boundaries and try new things. Hence, the “Open-Sketch-Book” is my play on being an “open book,” something I’ve always referred to myself as. I try to be as open with others about my feelings as I am to new experiences and ideas. As I explore new cultures, foods, and landscapes, I might as well bring my sketch pad & set of sharpie markers along for the ride.

I’m not sure what this site will end up as exactly, but until then, I’m just going to keep creating!